newsletter 24, Easter 2018: Once again this newsletter is going out a lot later than I intended – and it will be a brief one just to post my spring and summer course dates. For us 2018 has started very sadly – my brother Jeremy died last month. He was 75, far too young. He’d been ill for some time, but however prepared you think you are for the inevitable, it’s still a huge shock when it happens. And it happened on a Saturday night midway through a weekend course – the participants turned up to day 2 to find me in no fit state to run the rest of the course, and consequently didn’t get day 2 of their weekend. One was already booked onto a subsequent 5 day course and valiantly completed 2 boxes during that, another has since attended day 2 of a weekend and yet another is waiting to attend a 5 day course. A big thank you to you all for your understanding and flexibility … |

2018 spring and summer course dates: So for now this newsletter is just to post my 2018 spring and summer course dates. I normally post these much sooner to give participants a chance to plan well ahead, and I also normally organise it so that newsletter subscribers have two weeks advance notice before the dates are posted on the website.  But as it’s so late this time that hasn’t been possible, but I have set up a 5% discount for subscribers – just enter the code: sBm_27/03/2018_subsc_course_disc_odjen% … this is just for the course bookings and will only be active for two weeks, until the end of Wednesday, April 11th. A fair few have already expressed an interest and I have sent out some provisional dates – but anybody who’s expressed an interest please note: the finalised dates are significantly different to any I’ve sent out previously. weekends: • April 7/8 • May 5/6 • May 26/27 • July 7/8 • July 28/29 gold 5 day: • April 12-16 • May 10-14 • May 31-June 4 • June 14-18 • June 28-July2 • Aug 9-13 book your place … remember that these dates are posted on the site now and there are already some bookings so don’t wait too long … |

is this you?!  In the forward planning part of my 2017 diary I’ve written the following: ‘May 9/10 – TEACH’ Brilliant! No idea whatever who that might be – I’ve scoured my emails for any reference to those dates but to no avail … If anyone recognises those dates and is expecting to come to visit me for 2 days one-to-one then, please get in touch as we will need to slightly rearrange – I have a 5 day course starting on the 10th … ! |

That’s all for now, thank you for reading. smartWare news, progress to smartCorner, smartDisc, Linley, the new book, my next open day, a new 3 day ‘completion’ course, workshop expansion and other issues hanging over from the last few newsletters will be addressed soon in NL24 part 2 and beyond.  Andrew Crawford 27/03/2018 |