newsletter 28, February 2019: A quick update, and a very special offer … The work to organise the newly extended smartBoxmaker workshops is making good progress [see below]. But because all this work has been going on I’ve been rather slow to promote the courses for this year. I have bookings coming in for the later ones [when it’s warmer!] but I still have a couple of spaces available on my March 14th-18th 5 day ‘gold’ box making course. So, I’m offering the 2 places for only £595 each, a 20% saving on the full price of £745. Please email at ACfdb@fine-boxes.com if you’d interested in taking up this offer, and click on the images below for much more general info on the courses I offer: |

progress update:These buildings were built in the 1760s – interestingly I now learn that not that long ago there WAS a bridge joining the two buildings very much as I imagined in my newsletter 22 [pt 1]:  So, my photoshopped version on the left wasn’t that far off the truth – I believe there is a photo of the original ‘bridge’ version and I’m trying to get hold of a copy to compare. On the right is how it was until the work started to fill it in last year. |
 … and this is how it looks now, from front and back – still a little way to go. |

 | | The interior of this new space is taking shape nicely. The downstairs will be a reception and kitchen area, and also home to some lathes and metalworking gear and other miscellaneous bits and pieces. The upstairs will be a lovely, light, multi-purpose space – I intend to use it for lining, packing, also as an eating area for the courses. It’s accessed by a spiral staircase – great fun and challenging to install in equal measure! | |
 | | The second new area, [new extra barn to the right of the image below] I admit is still full of stuff awaiting sorting, not least the units for the new kitchen area. But I’m getting there … Incidentally, I KNOW it says ‘current worksop’ [Nottinghamshire town] – thanks for the headsup, Chris and others! | |

Thank you for reading!  Andrew Crawford 28/02/2019 |