newsletter 25, June 2018: Hello everyone – this is a short newsletter this time: some necessary housekeeping, and some very special course and smartWare offers below … GDPR opt in: First the boring bit – as many of you will be aware [not least because your inboxes will have been inundated with similar emails recently] to help comply with GDPR consent requirements, I need you to re-confirm your subscription so that you can continue to receive these newsletters. These typically include news on my smartWare box hardware, forthcoming course dates, new tools and jigs coming through and any other box related news. And usually a few irrelevant [and sometimes irreverent] bits and pieces as well … I’m a bit late on this particular bandwagon, and I’m not even sure I have the YES/NO buttons set up right or that it fully applies to the likes of me anyway – it seems difficult to obtain definitive information! ‘open rate’ and whitelisting: The open rate is the percentage of newsletters sent out that are actually received and opened. In my case it used to be around 80% which is considered extremely high – but recently with more stringent spam filters and a variety of other factors this figure has dropped to around 60%. This is still considered high, but I’d like to increase it anyway, so if you’re able to include my email address – ACfdb@fine-boxes.com – in a ‘whitelist’, a list which guarantees that emails from that address get through your spam defences, that would be very helpful in achieving that. Thank you in advance! If you are receiving this, but haven’t received anything from me for a while, it may well be because this is shorter than usual, and contains fewer images and links. |