shipping and delivery:

please read, very important: if it’s vital that you receive an order by a certain deadline, please email me before you place your order so that we can agree on the best way to get it to you.

I’ve set the checkout up so that customers must read this – or at least say that they have. If you choose to have your order sent by standard First Class for UK, or standard airmail for outside UK, and your item is lost or is too late for what you need, I cannot be held liable.

As anyone will know who runs a small UK business, since the great brexit disaster, delivering to our nearest neighbours in Europe has become extremely difficult. Since the brexit nose-cutting-off, self-foot-shooting event, I can get orders out to customers more easily, more quickly and more reliably to the farthest reaches of the planet than I can to our nearest neighbours. Particularly to Southern Ireland as I’ve recently discovered to my cost!

Unfortunately small businesses such as mine are regularly blamed when an order doesn’t arrive on time – or doesn’t arrive at all, which is an increasingly common scenario. Many will have experienced the inexplicable return of an item 2 weeks after sending … and in some cases much, much longer.

For now, and for simplicity, I’m sticking to 2 simple flat rates for shipping:

  • £5.75 for UK orders
  • £8.95 for everywhere else

estimated delivery times are as follows:

  • UK: 2-4 working days
  • Europe: 4-6 days – but can be MUCH longer due to Brexit!
  • US & Canada: 7-10 days
  • Australia: 10-14 days

Please note that these are estimates only – and I have had to increase these recently as things have been taking significantly longer to reach all destinations.

In due course I will be setting up more shipping options, but for now I repeat: if it’s vital that you receive an order by a certain deadline, please email me before you place your order so that we can arrive at the best way to get it to you.

Thank you.
